이어도저널 제3호_영문(2013) > 이어도 저널

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            이어도저널 제3호_영문(2013)

            페이지 정보

            작성자 최고관리자
            댓글 0건 조회 910회 작성일 13-08-30 16:02



            이어도저널 제3호_영문



            [China Nationalism, Naval Strategy and Ieodo]

            - China's Nationalistic Approach to Ieodo South Korea's Response : An Analysis on Chinese Medoa Reports(Choong- suk, Koh)

            - Ieodo Issue and the evolution of People's Liberation Army Navy Strategy( Byeong-Cheol. Kang)


            [Geographic Features in the East Asian Seas and the Law of the Sea]

            - How Coastal States Claim Geographic Features : A Legal Clarity of Conundrum?(Keyuan Zou)

            - Legal Status of Low-Tide Elvations and Submerged Features (Roberty Beckman)

            - Sovereignty and Maritime Disputes in the East China Sea : the Law of the Sea Convetion and Confliciting Claims by Chain,     Japan and Taiwan(Dr. Yann-huei Song)



            - British Discovery of Socotra Rock : Merchant Ship Socotra's Collision and Navy's Survey Report(Sung-Yoon, Cho)



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